Let’s ignite your new inner FUEL change!

Equipping you to create healthier, happier, authentic, joy-fueled and
more effective flow with the people and projects you care about most.

A new kind of Mastery class
Wednesday, Feb 28, 5pm Pacific
Zoom (90 min)

RSVP below

Join us for a taste of a whole new approach to
creating your authentic joy & effective leadership flourishing from a very different “fuel.”

Yes, you can wake up inspired, make a difference, make money, make peace with the past, make new friends, and create a whole new story. But you won’t get there from “normal” thinking and well-intended, formerly winning strategies or most of the popular advice & applause all around.

Imagine what you could be feeling and celebrating at a party with your new future self—even beyond what your personality's best intentions wish for.

My heart wants to know what could make your heart sing with authentic gratitude and healthy pride at a future party— a year from now and beyond. And to equip you with a radically new recipe for your real success. In the new MLA way, we often call this “waking up to your greatest Joy- the authentic best Journey Of You. Let’s back up a bit and meet you exactly where you are now. :-)

How are you? We really want to know!

In this new mastery class, we’ll equip you to have more depth of awareness about how you are asking and answering this, and why that’s so vital these days to help you truly flourish. Imagine a compassionate, non-judging, unconditionally loving, confidential listening presence that truly wants to get you more than ever. Like a wise champion council holding space for you in an inner campfire circle. In that space, you are the most important thing in the universe, and we want to know— How are you- really? What are your secret hungers or hopes? Different parts of you may feel differently. We all have “uh-oh” parts and perky cheerleaders in there. (You won’t need to share anything out loud in our class- unless you really want to.)

We start with a fun and gentle spirit, yet with extreme curiosity beyond the polite “I’m fine” norms. Because your ability to have more sensitive awareness about your inner world is an imperative skill for mastery level success flowing forward with response-agility amidst ambitious goals and uncertain, uncharted waters ahead. (You can imagine how the “How are you?” sensitivity applies to your leadership with others as well. And, your inner team must always come first for all outer outcomes to have the best chance.)

Join us.

Bring your heart’s desires, curiosities or challenges. You may get a chance to be in the new champion seat, with individual attention from Marian and fueled by the whole group.

It feels like “being a good leader” is harder than ever, and 2024 is a pivotal year for us. Do you sense that? I want you to be incredibly supported and fueled from a deeper well— inner and outer infinitely flowing well for you.

You’re hip to the pitfalls of trying harder mostly with positive thinking or punitive pushing from clever inner critics, right? That S.M.A.R.T. goal thing is from 1981. :-)

What’s been blowing my mind, opening my heart and raising the effective “essence frequency” in me and a handful of clients recently is a different level of breakthrough.

Looking at What do I want? in new ways is going to be even more game-changing :-)

Your conditioned mind defaults into what it thinks could make you happy, safe, successful. Inner managers and outer personas try to run the show in sneaky, seductive ways, masquerading as your adult thoughts and choices. What’s possible regardless of past failures and successes? Transcending typical thinking and well-intended advice. :-) 

I sense some of us are meant to break out of buried inner programming and inherited paradigm success roadmaps more than ever.

Join us for a code-breaking approach to liberate a 3.0 version of your new future self, activating an effective flow zone you’ll truly enjoy, coming from a very different fuel.

Does this sound like you?

Your heart cares about bringing out the best in yourself and others. I wonder if you also might be trying to do a great job and be happy in life, yet recycle feeling disheartened or depleted.

You’re grateful for your current success, but an inner hunger or hope persists – a call to feel more authentically alive or for your real joyful mission & sharing your gifts to be flowing the way it could be?

Your spidey sense knows the game really isn’t working anymore. Maybe you keep showing up to keep up and “not let them down.” But deep down you know there’s got to be a better way.  

What if 2024 could be your "leap year" into a new way of living and leading?

The way I work with clients had to change when I “saw the light” and witnessed new results. :-)

After 27 years’ privilege of working with bright leaders and nuanced human beings like you, this “new school” feels like the code-breaking, reverse-engineering liberation into your personal joy, true leadership, new potential with your relationships & results, and possibly being the change you want to pay forward.  

Clients are saying things like, “I’m a different person” and “That was the most profound shift of my life.”

We’re learning that this new approach is deeper than inner game/mindset, more grounded than spiritual bypass b.s., and higher than purpose-driven or “achieving the dream” with the programming and paradigms we’ve been swimming in for decades.

In this mastery class, let’s give you a good taste of how to unleash your real joy, impact and prosperity. RSVP to save your seat and discover this new “technology.”

I’m humbled and grateful at the shifts I’m experiencing in myself and get to witness in early adopter MLA leaders.

MLA-equipped leaders are celebrating new flow…

  • Turning the corner on claiming more space to feed her own spirit, well-being, self-awareness, emotional resilience, sustainable, smart self-care and feedback on her leadership having a more positive impact with less hours and stress for her!

  • Exceeding fundraising goals for a startup (with a new paradigm approach to a societal challenge).

  • Getting ready to lead a town hall meeting by letting go of trying harder, opening to trusting higher and diving deeper to show up igniting their hearts & minds in their most challenging times, from real essence meeting their real Yes we can do this essence (in very tough market conditions). Post-meeting feedback was fabulous, too.

  • Transforming a “weak link” problem employee into “now the person I rely on the most to keep our team together, and has become a friend.” 

  • Significant progress in professional relationships, and pleasantly surprised to realize that he’s enjoying the “best work experience ever” on his way to leaving a legacy that will fill his heart and mind with gratitude and pride.

  • Feeling genuinely excited about the next chapter of life and new choices (rather than previously feeling stuck, unfulfilled and uncomfortable with change.

Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
- Joseph Campbell

We look forward to connecting with you soon.
Let’s make this your transformational year!

“Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.” - Parker Palmer

“Until we have an intimate relationship with our true essence, we’ll make agreements with mediocrity.”
– Michael Beckwith

It’s been covered up for a long time with many subtle, subconscious layers.
Would you like to set it free?

We look forward to fueling a fabulous
new future self with you.

It's not easy to break out of embedded patterns, but it's totally possible and worth it! Are you willing to be willing? We’re tapping into the root cause of your most potent potential and joy flourishing or flatlining.

Whether you're feeling inspired, confused, excited, uncertain, frustrated, or on fire – welcome! Let’s explore the power and momentum of the new MLA-Mastery of Leadership Arts tools together. I’m excited to share new offerings in 2024 and learn more about how to serve you best.

We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

- Joseph Campbell

“This approach opened up questions I didn’t expect to question. Like an awakening. Now, I feel empowered to lead in a way that’s in line with my deep personal values and greater potential. My boss and direct reports feel and applaud this difference and I’m excited to keep growing and evolving.”
- Laura Wensley, VP

“Still round the corner there may wait
a new road or a secret gate.”

-J.R.R. Tolkien

There is a lion-hearted, beautiful,
badass essence potential inside of you.