MLA Meditation Gathering
New Dates to come, Zoom (30 min)
RSVP below
You’re cordially invited to drop in to a very different kind of “morning fuel”
for a taste of a new inner-shift technology.
Presence Allowing Unconditional Source Emergence
the Power of Activating Unlimited Success Embodied
We’ll tap into a deeper well of peace & potential to truly liberate your new flow.
Everything in the Mastery of Leadership Arts toolkit is a new paradigm “MLA Way” vs. typical norms, including how and why we meditate. This will help unleash the amazingness in you— both calm you down and lift you up to be more authentically inspired, infinitely re-sourced, and in more effective response-agility with everything that comes into your inbox and nervous system throughout each day. It’s not a one-time, get-rich-quick promise or a feel-better chill pill :-) It is a program-melting, identity-shifting practice that is game-changing over time.
Come as you are, wherever you are- newer to meditation or long-time practice fellow, feeling joyfully-resourceful or having a challenging day. We’ll hold it all in a welcoming field of unconditional compassion and illogical possibilities, and each emerge rebooted. We’ll blend the best of neuroscience, body efficiency and true spirit essence. Modern mystic activation keys meet your growth edges in relevant business contexts.
No matter how long we’ve been meditating and working on ourselves, we all have some level of subconscious, fear-driven programming and cultural paradigm pressures still trying to run us. We’re bombarded by weapons of mass distraction daily.
Marian will guide us to disentangle from the conditioned seeker-achiever mind and pre-empt getting sucked onto our trying treadmill norms. Come hang out with kindred spirits in the “VIP lounge”—Vast Infinite Presence. This is a proactive, pattern-interrupt practice to truly change the default of stimulus-react into inspired response-agility. We’ll access radically different energy from our inherited, insidious “false programming” (from in utero, childhood, cultural norms, addictive algorithims, etc.) masquerading as our adult thoughts.
With the power of this way of pausing together, we get to amplify activating your liberated mind, connected heart, synchronized spirit, and open embodiment --operationalized in boots-on-the-ground navigating your day.
This practice helps you liberate yourself out of the insidious programming, reclaim your inner sovereignty in the Infinite SELF, dis-arm and dissolve the well-intended but self-sabotaging parts trying to run things, and newly empower your Inspired Self to be the effective instrument of that Infinite source power flowing forward.
In short an axial shift from insidious & limited to indestructible, infinitely-sourced & inspired. This kind of mastery seems needed more than ever these days and whatever is coming.
Gain the gift of our shared energy field (vs. just solo practice) to boost your resilience, relationship communication & collaboration, and wise choices for what matters most. Smart fuel & new friends.
Imagine waking up to your authentic aliveness
We’re boldly up to cracking the code on uninstalling what’s been running you, and getting your inner essence online with outer effectiveness flourishing, while enjoying the ride. It’s possible. It’s time. Let’s do this.
Break into the peace within,
Hold attention in stillness,
And in the world outside
You will ably master
the ten thousand things.
- Lao Tzu